The Sermon of Saint Bernadino of Siena
1784 Oil on canvas
480 cm x 300 cm, 189 inches x 118 inches
Church of San Francisco el Grande, Madrid, Spain
This painting was commissioned by King Carlos III. Goya painted himself into the crowd, his self-portrait is the figure looking at the viewer on the right-side of the painting.
There are three Goya oil sketches for the painting "St. Bernardino of Siena"
1. Condesa de Villagonzalo Collection, Madrid Spain 62cm x 31cm
2. Bergua Olivan Collection, Saragossa, Spain, 140cm x 80cm
3. Condesa de Villagonzalo Collection (version #2), Madrid Spain 62cm x 33cm
The title of the final finished painting varies.
Writer Jose Gudiol calls it "The Sermon of Saint Bernard of Siena before the King of Aragon, Alfonso V" from "Goya", 1985, Abrams books, Page 19
Xavier de Salas calls it "St. Bernardino of Siena", page 176, "Goya" Mayflower Books, 1978
Frank Milner calls it "The Sermon of Saint Bernardino of Siena," page 36, "Goya" Bison Books 1995
The typical Spanish language title is: "San Bernardino de Siena predicando ante el rey Alonso V de Aragon"
