in the Studio
known as
"Self-Portrait with Easel"
on canvas
42 cm x 28 cm
16 1/2 inches x 11 inches
Museo de la Real Academia de Bellas
Artes, Madrid
Xavier de Salas dates this painting
in his book Goya, Mayflower
Books, 1978.
Sarah Symmons (in her
book, Goya, Phaidon Press,
dates this painting to 1791-2.
intriguing Self-Portrait
in the Studio has been dated as early as 1775-80
and as late as 1795. The loose
style and distinctive colouring
aral of Goya's painting from the
1790s, but the vigorous pose makes
it unlikely to have been painted
after the artist's life-threatening
and lengthy illness of 1792-1793." (From
Sarah Symmons book Goya,
Phaidon Press, 1998, page 128)
is not likely to have regularly
worked in that embroidered, red-braided
bullfighter's jacket, which together
with Goya's direct and level gaze,
makes its statement clearly: I
can't be fooled, I'm tough, I
am a man of the people, I know
what I see." (From Robert
Hughes book Goya,
Knopf Books, 2003, page 81)