Held at Chesterfield Meadowdale Library March 2013
Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, Darth Vader and others (especially Trekkies and Manga characters like Sailor Moon) were on hand for the Chesterfield Library (Meadowdale Branch) Comic-Con 2013.
Event was held March 23, 2013 at the Meadowdale Branch. Attendance for the event was very high, and a vendor at the event (from an area comic book store) told me that they gave away all of their flyers and business cards and were simply unprepared for how many people showed up.
Manga and cartoon drawing how-to workshops were in the main library, a $1 dollar a comic table, prizes, and other contests and events which involved getting the (mostly young people) to try their hands at games and other mini-events.
The cosplay costumes were abundant and there were duplicate and triplicates of various characters.
The Chesterfield Library system had recently invested into a new supply of graphic novels and related book and video material. Many were on hand for library patrons to check out.
A series of Anime Movies were shown in the audio-visual room of the Meadowdale Library
Comic Book Stores & Vendors on hand in the Vendor Hall were:
Richmond Comix - WEBSITE
Iconograph Studios - WEBSITE
Chester Comics - WEBSITE
AMAZON: Old Dominion, New Commonwealth: A History of Virginia, 1607–2007